Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Rain in Spain Stays Mainly in the Plain…

...because on the beaches of Barcelona the glowing sun was burning in a cloudless sky. We reveled in the old world architecture juxtaposed with all the new world improvements that make Barcelona seem to sparkle, like freshly-painted buildings and the cleanest Metro system we’ve ever seen (we’re fairly certain we owe most of these improvements to the 1992 Summer Olympic Games). Despite the city’s cosmopolitan feel, our favorite thing to do was to escape the maze of the streets in favor of the gloriously warm beaches, made complete by sipping granizados or sangria, not to mention hoovering tapas and paella. Oh flavor, how we’ve missed it. Here’s a little taste for you to enjoy as well…

Beach artists made some pretty amazing sculptures in the sand.

Sun meets sea; perfect.

W. We have no idea what it stands for. Maybe for Wilde!

The Miramar Hotel

The gardens.

Look, shorts and Rainbows. Hello, old friends.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thirty Days Hath September

October is winding down, which is hard to believe, especially since I barely had time to breathe during September. It was thirty days of fine-tuning, race-against-the-clock thesis writing and editing. Nick was an absolute legend, helping me to hold on to my last remnants of sanity. In order to keep some perspective on the whole process (and to show you all a bit of what September was like), we decided to capture bits of it here and there. So, instead of rambling on, we’ll let the video do the talking...

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